Taking your cat to the vet
The clinics of De Dierenkliniek are Cat Friendly Clinics. This means that we work according to the guidelines of the International Society of Feline Medicine. We make every effort to make your cat’s visit to the clinic as stress-free as possible.
Cats are independent, territorial animals that like to be in control of their environment and are very sensitive to odors. This makes a visit to the veterinary clinic can be stressful. Learn how you can help make the visit as stress-free as possible!

Choose a convenient cat basket
- It should be firm and easy to clean (plastic or with a plastic protective coating).
- Baskets that open at the top are the easiest, the cat can be lifted in or out gently.
- Cover the basket with a blanket or towel during transport so that the cat remains calm.
- Lift the basket with care: avoid violent movements or bumping into other objects.
Familiar scents will make your cat less stressed
- Use the basket as your cat’s sleeping or feeding place at home as well. As a result, the cat does not associate the basket only with a visit to the vet.
- Place a blanket or piece of clothing that smells like home at the bottom of the basket.
- Rub a cloth along your cat’s head to pick up its scent, then rub this cloth along the basket and put it in.
- Spray Feliway® (if available) in the basket; do this 30 minutes before use.
- If your cat panics, calmly wrap him in a towel and put him in the basket with towel and all.
- Bring an extra blanket (that smells like “home”) in case the cat soils the basket.
In the waiting room
- Take advantage of cat parking spaces or other raised areas so you don’t have to put your cat basket on the ground.
- Find a quiet place and keep the cat carrier covered. If necessary, use one of our blankets for this purpose.
- If necessary, you may also choose to leave the cat in the car until it is your turn. Do not do this in hot weather, as it can quickly become too hot in the car.
See you in the waiting room!
More information
Hooray! A new kitten!
Traveling with your cat
Collecting urine
When is it too hot for my cat?
When is it too cold for my cat?
How do I give my cat tablets?
How do I administer ointment or drops to my cat?
Taking my cat to the vet
Clipping nails
Stress in cats
Brushing teeth
Fear of fireworks
Caring for an older cat
Putting your cat to sleep