Tips for dogs in spring

Spring is here again!

The sun is shining, the days are getting longer, the temperature is rising and everything is blossoming. Who doesn’t get the spring fever? However, there are a few things to consider for your dog during this season. Read more about them here!


As the weather gets warmer, parasites become more active again. Tick season starts as early as March, but after a mild winter, ticks can be active all year round. We therefore recommend treating your pet against fleas and ticks all year round. In addition, check your dog carefully for ticks after every walk so that they can be removed in time. Does your cat go outside? Check him or her as well. Read more about parasites in dogs.


It can be a fun game, running after a wasp or bee. But once the dog has caught it, of course, there is a chance of being stung. If your dog gets stung around or in its mouth, there is a chance of swelling which can make breathing difficult. In addition, some dogs are allergic to the substance released during a prick. If your dog has an allergic reaction or develops swelling in or around the mouth, always contact a vet.


In spring, we also start working en masse in the garden again. When doing so, be aware of the danger of poisoning. Cleaning products, pesticides and plants can be toxic for your dog. Think of algae cleaner, snail poison, weed killer and some plant bulbs. If you want to read more about possible poisons in dogs and what you can do about them, read on this page.


Around June, hogweed comes back into flower. Hogweed is dangerous for your dog. So be alert to this while walking. The sap of the hogweed can cause inflammation of the skin and even wounds. Just sniffing the plant can get sap on your dog. Symptoms often appear within 24 hours and are:

  • Swelling of the skin
  • Bumps
  • Red/pink spots
  • (Burning) blisters
  • Damage to the skin or wounds

If you have seen your dog come into contact with hogweed, the advice is to wash the skin as soon as possible with water and a dog shampoo. The sap of the hogweed contains a substance that causes skin cells to become sensitive to sunlight and other UV radiation. After contact with the hogweed, the advice is therefore to keep your dog out of sunlight for several days.


Dogs are sensitive to heat. They have fur that insulates and cannot sweat like we do. They regulate cooling through the tongue by panting and, to a lesser extent, through the soles of their feet. They can therefore lose heat less easily than humans. So in hot weather, a dog’s body temperature may rise too high, sending them into heat shock. But when is it actually too hot for your dog? Read more about it in this article.

In addition, we cannot mention it often enough: never leave your dog in the car. People underestimate how quickly temperatures can rise in a car. Do you see a dog in a (closed) car in hot weather? See if the owner is nearby. Can’t find the owner? Then alert the police and animal ambulance as soon as possible.

Hay fever

Spring means pollen time. If you see your dog scratching or licking regularly during flowering time, your dog may have a pollen allergy. Hay fever, or a pollen allergy, is an allergy to the pollen that comes from trees, grasses and plants. If you think your dog has a pollen allergy, we recommend contacting your vet. In some cases, it is necessary to support your dog with medication. In milder cases, it is sometimes enough to use some grooming products or actions. Read more about allergy in dogs here.


What could be nicer than taking a cooling dip during hot weather. For most dogs, this is enjoyment! If your dog enjoys swimming, however, we recommend taking a few things into account. On hot days, blue-green algae can form in stagnant water, which can make your dog very ill. You should also be aware of leptospirosis and botulism. Leptospirosis, also known as Weil’s disease, is caused by the Leptospira bacteria. This bacterium is excreted by infected animals through the urine. If a dog subsequently comes into contact with this urine, either directly or indirectly, infection can occur. Botulism can occur through contact with dead fish and/or dead waterfowl.

Grass ears

In spring, wild grass starts growing again in abundance. This can also have a downside as this wild grass contains grass ears. A grass ear consists of seeds with barbs. The barbs may allow the grass ear to penetrate the skin, which in turn causes irritation, pain and inflammation.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to prevent your dog from suffering from a grass cataract. However, we do recommend checking your dog carefully after a walk so that you can remove any grass hairs in the coat in time. The places where grass hairs cause particular problems are between the toes, in the ears, in the looser coat around the neck and in the skin folds near the front and hind legs.

Spring shedding

You may already have noticed; your dog is shedding heavily again. In spring, the winter coat begins to disappear. You can give your dog a helping hand by brushing him or her regularly. Make sure you use the right brush for the coat in question. In addition, do not brush excessively as you risk damaging the new hairs and disrupting the shedding cycle. Washing your dog may also help.

We hope you and your dog have a lovely spring. If you have any questions about anything, do not hesitate to contact us!