Is your dog chipped and registered yet?

In the Netherlands, chipping and registering dogs is mandatory. The registration obligation applies to any dog born after 1 April 2013 or from abroad. From 1 November 2021, additional rules have been added to this.

Why are new rules around chipping your dog necessary?

Currently, the demand for dogs within the Netherlands is very high. Unfortunately, this causes a lot of illegal trade. Unfortunately, within this illegal trade, little consideration is given to the health of dogs. The new rules have been put in place to prevent undesirable situations such as:

  • puppies being separated from their mothers at too young an age;
  • transporting dogs in poor conditions;
  • sick and poorly socialised puppies joining a new owner;
  • infected dogs that are a public health hazard (e.g. rabies, a disease that passes from dog to human);
  • misleading dog buyers by selling foreign puppies with Dutch chips and passports.

The video below explains the new registration rules. If you still have questions after watching the video, please take a look at this page from the RVO or contact us.